Friends with benefits while dating someone

Dating > Friends with benefits while dating someone

An awesome friend you can also have great sex with, but with no strings attached may sound like a perfect scenario. When asked if either partner ended up getting their feelings hurt, 70% said yes, they had. When frieends if the person with hurt feelings wanted more from the relationship, 91% said yes. When asked if the relationship had navigated to permanent, only 6% said it had. If something sounds too good to be true, it often is, and your friends with benefits arrangement usually ends without the arrangement lasting — or the friend. Although friends with benefits can work in the short term, it ultimately has an expiration date. Using your friend at your convenience and then tossing them aside when you find a better offer is not acceptable, no matter how casual your arrangement may be. Be Clear About The Rules The best way to friends with benefits while dating someone friends with benefits better is to lay down the rules and groundwork right in the beginning — that way, both people have benefts sense of what to expect from the friends with benefits situation, saysa life and relationship coach. It helps to discuss the fact that once one or both people start developing feelings, the friends with benefits fun is over, as well as the fact that both are free to date others without any jealousy on either part. Communication is key so that both are always on the same page. If they are secretly wanting more, there will be trouble down the line. Reciprocation Is A Must This is a big one, possibly the biggest — your sex buddy does not exist to appear at your convenience for your pleasure. They are a human being with needs of their own. Leave the option whlie, like, 'Hey, what are you doing tonight? My place or yours? Then, they're just steamrolling toward the obliteration of the friendship. Be Honest About Boundaries If you don't want to know about their other activities and dates, be upfront about it. Keep It Fun Keep romance out of the fun — but don't keep the fun out of the relationship. Sounds counter-intuitive, fating it? The issue with romance is it creates expectations. Focus on pleasing your partner, doing things you both enjoy, making them feel good, but skip the grand gestures, and weekend getaways. Save those for if and when you are ready to explore a deeper connection.

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